Swim Alberta would like to invite all swimmers, to participate in the 400 Fun Fitness Challenge.
What is the 400 Fun Fitness Challenge?
You tell us! Share a video of yourself doing 400 repetitions, 400 seconds, 400 steps or 400 meters of a safe, parent and/or coach approved, physical activity.
Notes: All submissions must demonstrate safe activities. Repetitions do not need to be completed consecutively.
All swimmers currently registered with Swim Alberta, including year round, masters and varsity swimmers as well as swimmers who were registered with the Alberta Summer Swimming Association during the 2019 season are eligible to participate in the challenge.
Every swimmer who participates will be eligible for a draw prize.
To submit:
1. Upload your video to Facebook, Instagram or YouTube.
2. Share the link and tag Swim Alberta on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
3. Include the tags #swimagain #albertacares #poolingalbertasstrength – you must have all these tags on your video to be eligible
The deadline for submissions is June 30th, 2020.