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Alberta Summer Swimming Association

Forms Information


Event Insurance (Club President)

Swim Alberta maintains an insurance policy for clubs running swim meets and practices through the summer season. If you have a special occasion (barbeque, picnic, swim parties, etc.) you can make a request to insurance this event through the Swim Alberta Policy. Click on the icon to obtain more information and obtain a link to the insurance form - you can then complete the form and it will automatically be sent to Swim Alberta.

Information for Officials

We have rulebook information, pool survey information and other links to assist officials in doing their jobs.

Rule Changes

Click on the link to see the most recent changes to official swim rules governing how a meet is run and the most recent changes to the ASSA Bylaws, Rules and Regulations or Policies and Procedures.

Coach Information

We have a brief description of coaching requirements plus links to job postings, upcoming courses and the Canadian Swimming Coaches and Teachers Association.

Masters Swimming within ASSA

Masters Swim Clubs and Swimmers alike will find ASSA to be more accessible and a favorable option to continue participating in the sport of competitive swimming throughout the summer months, including many racing opportunities: there are over 50 meets run throughout the province each summer season!

Para Swimming

The ASSA has adopted the rules and regulations that allow for a swimmer with a disability to compete in ASSA competitions and advance to to the Regional and Provincial levels in specific events. More information and forms are available on the SWAD page.

ASSA Forms

ASSA maintains a series of forms required to run swim meets and operate swim clubs. Click on the icon to see a list of forms available on the web site.


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