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Alberta Summer Swimming Association

Provincial Rankings


Provincial Best in All Events

Select a range of seasons from the year lists, a stroke and type. Then press the ASSA BESTS
button to see the ASSA's best times for the selected season(s) and event type.

From To Stroke Type    Region:


Provincial and Regional Rankings

Select from the options below and press the ASSA EVENT RANKINGS button
to obtain a ranked list of swimmers best swims.
Note: results prior to 2001 only include the Provincial meet.

From To Stroke Distance Age(Min) Age(Max)

Girls BoysMixed


Club Rankings for the Current Season

Select from the options below and press the CLUB RANKINGS button to obtain a list of clubs
ranked by the number of points their best swimmers would generate if they competed together.
Only times swam during the current season are included in the points calculations.

Stroke Age(Min) Age(Max)
Girls Boys Both


View COUNTERFEIT Provincial Championships Qualifier Data
[This is only a swimmer comparison tool]

Press the VIEW COUNTERFEIT WILDCARD DATA button to view a simulation of wildcard selection
based on year to date results. This provide information on how swimmers might
rank at Regionals based on their current personal bests.



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