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Alberta Summer Swimming Association


Swim Meet Forms

Other Forms

Swim Meet Forms Descriptions

Use this form as a tool to make sure that you have everything you need for your meet.  If your meet has special requirements, for example bleachers are stored offsite or diving boards need to be dismantled, then add these items to your list. Note: This list is meant as a guide only and may not include all the items necessary to run YOUR meet.

This form serves multiple purposes, it allows you to easily:
  • Organize and fill your Officials positions
  • Sign up empty positions the day of the meet
  • Track who worked what position and when
  • Update your officials in the online database
Once the meet is over, the completed form should be shared with attending clubs who had officials working your meet.  The Club Officials Administrator for each club is responsible for updating the online database. Make sure that all officials who sign up print their name and club clearly.
The important thing is that a record must be kept of who worked what position in case there are any questions or disputes.  This is also how officials get credit for their on deck evaluation of positions.
This is a form the Meet Referee will complete with you to ensure that the working deck is in order.

Swimming/Natation Canada Warm Up Procedure
The S/N/C warm up procedure is an excellent baseline to ensuring a safe and successful warm up; all ASSA meets shall follow at a minimum, the S/NC Warm Up Procedure.


This is preferred way for coaches to scratch their swimmers and provide this information to the Clerk of the Course.  This form or something like it ensures that you have signed documentation of who scratched which swimmers from which events.  This form should be available to coaches from the Clerk of the Course.


When allowing deck entries, this form is the ideal way for Coaches to submit deck entries to the Clerk of the Course.  This form or something like it ensures that you have signed documentation of who entered which swimmers into which events.


This form is the ideal way for Coaches to submit relay scratches, deck entries and changes to the Clerk of the Course. This form or something like it ensures that you have signed documentation of who entered which swimmers into which events.


This form should be available to your Referee and Stroke & Turn officials at your meet for the purpose of recording and processing disqualifications.


Should there be a result time posted at your meet that equals or betters a current ASSA Provincial Record, the Application for Provincial Record form should be completed and submitted by the Meet Manager to the ASSA office via fax or scan. Once approved the pending record will become official.


This form should be available to a coach if he/she is not satisfied with the outcome of a verbal discussion with the referee regarding a disqualification of a swimmer.  It ensures that all the information necessary for a Jury of Appeal is present.The Meet Manager should keep a copy any Record of Official Protest Forms for future reference.


This form should be used to record the decision of the Jury of Appeal.  The format ensures that all necessary information is clearly provided.  The Meet Manager should keep a copy of the report and any supporting documents for future reference.


If there is a complaint regarding the actions of any member of the ASSA, or a physical inccident where someone is injurred, this is the form to document such occurrences. The Meet Manager should keep a copy of the report and any supporting documents for future reference.


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