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Alberta Summer Swimming Association

1988 ASSA Provincial Championships Swim Meet Results


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Disclaimer: These results are from archived results files or scanned from old results print outs. There may be frequent typos. Please report any appalling errors you encounter to the Computer Liaison.




Event 79  GIRLS 8 & under      Region  100 m MR
      1   Hinton A               b      1:32.50
      2   Spruce Grove A         b      1:32.54
      3   St Paul                c      1:33.31
      4   Vermilion              c      1:33.32
      5   Ft Saskatchewan A      c      1:35.51
      6   Nanton                 f      1:36.82
      7   Red Deer               d      1:37.11
      8   Grande Prairie         a      1:38.47
      9   Ed Humhumumuna         c      1:41.32
     10   Drayton Valley         b      1:42.34
     11   Killam A               d      1:42.83
     12   Didsbury               e      1:46.09
     13   Beaverlodge            a      1:48.16
     14   Crowsnest Pass         f      1:52.90
     15   Olds                   e      1:58.29
          St Albert A            b           dq

Event 80  BOYS 8 & under       Region  100 m MR
      1   Spruce Grove A         b      1:31.99
      2   Grande Prairie         a      1:34.00
      3   Olds                   e      l:36.17   
      3   Stony Plain            b      1:36.17   
      5   Innisfail              e      1:37.41
      6   Hinton                 b      1:45.09
      7   Calgary Tritons        e      1:47.35
      8   Wetaskiwin             d      1:47.43
      9   Crowsnest Pass         f      1:49.62
     10   Camrose                c      1:54.70
     11   Lethbridge             f      1:58.72
     12   Beaverlodge            a      1:59.82
     13   Forestburg             d      2:03.97
     14   Spruce Grove B         b      2:14.92
          St Albert              b        d n s

Event 81  GIRLS 9 & 10         Region  100 m MR
      1   Peace River            a      1:18.07
      2   Wainwright             d      1:18.19
      3   Innisfail              e      1:21.72
      4   Spruce Grove           b      1:22.30
      5   Ed Humhumumuna         c      1:22.62
      6   Crowsnest Pass         f      1:23.10
      7   Beaverlodge            a      1:25.69
      8   Drayton Valley         b      1:25.85
      9   Red Deer A             d      1:26.68
     10   Vermilion              c      1:27.07
     11   High River             e      1:27.59
     12   Nanton                 f      1:27.75
     13   Lethbridge             f      1:27.80
     14   St Albert A            b      1:31.86
     15   Hythe                  a      1:34.04
          St Albert B            b     l:18.62dq

Event 82  BOYS 9 & 10          Region  100 m MR
      1   Nanton                 f      1:14.97
      2   Medicine Hat           f      1:15.23
      3   Ft Saskatchewan A      c      1:18.21
      4   Wetaskiwin             d      1:19.26
      5   Lethbridge             f      1:19.38
      6   Hinton                 b      1:19.45
      7   Didsbury               e      1:20.64
      8   St Albert A            b      1:20.95
      9   Spruce Grove           b      1:23.36
     10   Stony Plain            b      1:23.53
     11   Forestburg             d      1:24.00
     12   Ft Saskatchewan B      c      1:24.19
     13   Westlock               b      1:27.01
     14   High River             e      1:27.98
     15   Hythe                  a      1:30.15
     16   Beaverlodge            a      1:49.45

Event 83  GIRLS 11 & 12        Region  200 m MR
      1   Devon A                b      2:26.Cl   
      2   Ed Humhumumuna         c      2:31.80
      3   Hinton A               b      2:37.04
      4   Wainwright             d      2:37.87
      5   St Albert B            b      2:38.56
      6   High River             e      2:40.39
      7   Vermilion              c      2:40.97
      8   Olds A                 e      2:43.44
      9   Drayton Valley         b      2:45.37
     10   Grande Prairie         a      2:46.64
     11   Foremost               �      2:46.96
     12   Westlock               b      2:47.65
     13   Peace River            a      2:48.83
     14   Pincher Creek          f      2:51.78
     15   Forestburg             d      2:52.64
     16   Wetaskiwin             d      2:54.68

Event 84  BOYS 11 & 12         Region  200 m MR
      1   Ed Humhumumuna         c      2:31.28
      2   Calgary Tritons        e      2:32.57
      3   Innisfail              e      2:36.23
      4   Beaverlodge            a      2:39.21
      5   Drayton Valley         b      2:41.02
      6   Red Deer A             d      2:41.80
      7   Ft Saskatchewan A      c      2:43.01
      8   Grande Prairie A       a      2:49.87
      9   Red Deer B             d      2:52.20
     10   Medicine Hat           f      2:52.79
     11   Lloydminster           c      2:53.95
     12   Ed Keyano B            c      2:55.03
     13   Nanton                 f      2:59.28
     14   Hanna                  e      3:00.48
     15   Stony Plain B          b      3:04.75
          Whitecourt             b        d n s

Event 85  GIRLS 13 & 14        Region  200 m MR
      1   Lethbridge             f      2:26.06
      2   Ft Saskatchewan        c      2:26.91
      3   Olds                   e      2:29.15
      4   Brooks                 f      2:29.41
      5   Wetaskiwin             d      2:29.68
      6   Hinton                 b      2:30.92
      7   Ed Humhumumuna         c      2:31.46
      8   Lacombe                d      2:31.89
      9   Spruce Grove           b      2:32.43
     10   Red Deer               d      2:32.75
     11   Vermilion              c      2:33.83
     12   Smoky River            a      2:33.98
     13   Lethbridge             f      2:36.37
     14   Grande Prairie         a      2:37.11
     15   Wainwright             d      2:39.34
     16   Crowsnest Pass         f      2:42.46

Event 86  BOYS 13 & 14         Region  200 m MR
      1   Lethbridge             f      2:09.36   
      2   Spruce Grove A         b      2:10.79
      3   Nanton                 f      2:14.47
      4   Hinton                 b      2:18.88
      5   Vermilion              c      2:20.69
      6   Wainwright             d      2:21.56
      7   Red Deer A             c      2:24.74
      8   Fairview               a      2:26.98
      9   Grande Prairie         a      2:32.32
     10   Lacombe                d      2:33.46
     11   Didsbury               e      2:35.30
     12   Ft Saskatchewan        c      2:37.19
     13   Stony Plain            b      2:39.11
          Drayton Valley A       b        d n s
          Drayton Valley B       b        d n s

Event 87  GIRLS 15 & 16        Region  200 m MR
      1   Nanton                 f      2:21.59
      2   Hanna                  e      2:27.36
      3   St Albert              b      2:27.88
      4   Pincher Creek          f      2:31.10
      5   Innisfail              e      2:32.91
      6   Drayton Valley         b      2:39.93
      7   Foremost               f      2:40.60
      8   Wainwright             d      2:42.64
      9   Beaverlodge            a      2:44.66
     10   Smoky River            a      2:52.27

Event 88  BOYS 15 & 16         Region  200 m MR
      1   Stony Plain            b      2:08.32
      2   Wetaskiwin             d      2:09.63
      3   High Prairie           a      2:12.40
      4   Westlock               b      2:13.34
      5   Lacombe                d      2:19.80
      6   Slave Lake             a      2:32.96

Event 89  SENIOR GIRLS         Region  200 m MR
      1   Ed Humhumumuna         c      2:13.89   
      2   Lethbridge             f      2:25.50
      3   Ft Saskatchewan        c      2:25.95
      4   Wetaskiwin             d      2:30.28
      5   Stony Plain            b      2:33.35
      6   Red Deer               d      2:34.47
      7   Grimshaw               a      2:47.89
      8   Killam                 d      3:03.04
          Olds                   e        d n s
          Peace River            a        d n s
          Fairview               a        d n s

Event 90  SENIOR BOYS          Region  200 m MR
      1   Provost                d      1:58.08   
      2   Didsbury               e      2:03.90
      3   Grimshaw               a      2:04.67
      4   Grande Prairie         a      2:04.76
      5   Camrose                c      2:07.62
      6   Pincher Creek          f      2:07.82
      7   Ft Saskatchewan        c      2:11.39
      8   Nanton                 f      2:13.14   
      9   High River             e      2:13.14   
     10   Calgary Tritons        e      2:14.06
     11   Red Deer               d      2:15.22
     12   St Albert              b      2:15.54
     13   High Prairie           a      2:35.70
     14   Lethbridge             f      2:49.27
          Brooks                 f        d n s
          Okotoks                e        d n s

Event 91  GIRLS 8 & under      Region  10O m FR
      1   Spruce Grove A         b      1:20.09
      2   Hinton A               b      1:22.32
      3   Devon                  b      1:22.57
      4   St Albert A            b      1:22.84
      5   Vermilion              c      1:23.83
      6   St Paul                c      1:24.08
      7   Ft Saskatchewan        c      1:24.26
      8   Killam                 d      1:29.64
      9   Red Deer A             d      1:29.89
     10   Grande Prairie         a      1:32.86
     11   Nanton                 f      1:33.24
     12   Drayton Valley         b      1:34.64
     13   Beaverlodge            a      1:35.12
     14   Olds                   e      1:38.81
     15   Crowsnest Pass         f      1:40.48
     16   Didsbury               e      1:40.63

Event 92  BOYS 8 & under       Region  100 m FR
      1   Spruce Grove B         b      1:20.99
      2   Grande Prairie         a      1:23.47
      3   Olds                   e      1:25.98
      4   Drayton Valley         b      1:26.85
      5   Stony Plain            b      1:28.98
      6   Innisfail              e      1:29.48
      7   Westlock               b      1:29.97
      8   Calgary Tritons        e      1:31.75
      9   Wetaskiwin             d      1:34.38
     10   Lethbridge             f      1:35.65
     11   Spruce Grove A         b      1:37.11
     12   Beaverlodge            a      1:38.90
     13   Crowsnest Pass         f      1:40.30
     14   Camrose                c      1:45.61
     15   Forestburg             d      1:56.26
          St Albert              b        d n s

Event 93  GIRLS 9 & 10         Region  100 m FR
      1   High River             e      1:05.83
      2   Wainwright             d      1:06.94
      3   St Albert A            b      1:08.80
      4   Spruce Grove           b      1:12.02
      5   Peace River            a      1:13.40
      6   Innisfail              e      1:13.66
      7   Beaverlodge            a      1:14.08
      8   Red Deer A             d      1:14.20
      9   Crowsnest Pass         f      1:14.20
     10   Nanton                 f      1:14.21
     11   Vermilion              c      1:14.53
     12   Ed Keyano              c      1:16.02
     13   St Albert B            b      1:16.57
     14   Grimshaw               a      1:21.02
     15   Hythe                  a      1:21.13
          Ed Humhumumuna         c        d n s

Event 94  BOYS 9 & 10          Region  100 m FR
      1   Medicine Hat           f      1:07.07   jdl
      2   Ft Saskatchewan A      c      1:07.07   jd2
      3   Nanton                 f      1:07.45
      4   Hinton                 b      1:07.79
      5   Lethbridge             f      1:08.37
      6   Spruce Grove           b      1:09.32
      7   St Albert A            b      1:11.36
      8   Wetaskiwin             d      1:12.15
      9   Stony Plain            b      1:13.44
     10   Didsbury A             e      1:13.61
     11   High River             e      1:15.31
     12   Red Deer A             d      1:15.74
     13   Ft Saskatchewan B      c      1:16.26
     14   Forestburg             d      1:17.08
     15   Hythe                  a      1:19.85
     16   Beaverlodge            a      1:37.58

Event 95  GIRLS 11 & 12        Region  200 m FR
      1   Devon A                b      2:15.82
      2   Ed Humhumumuna         c      2:17.04
      3   St Albert A            b      2:19.79
      4   Wainwright             d      2:20.10
      5   Hinton A               b      2:22.25
      6   Olds A                 e      2:23.19
      7   Foremost               f      2:25.15
      8   Vermilion              c      2:25.50
      9   Innisfail              e      2:26.81
     10   Spruce Grove A         b      2:27.67
     11   Peace River            a      2:28.48
     12   Drayton Valley         b      2:28.78
     13   High Prairie           a      2:30.44
     14   Westlock               b      2:31.20
     15   Pincher Creek          f      2:32.35
     16   Wetaskiwin             d      2:36.49

Event 96  BOYS 11 & 12         Region  200 m FR
      1   Stony Plain A          b      2:11.23
      2   Calgary Tritons        e      2:15.70
      3   Ed Humhumumuna         c      2:17.53
      4   Red Deer A             d      2:17.70
      5   Drayton Valley         b      2:19.15
      6   Ft Saskatchewan A      c      2:22.57
      7   Beaverlodge            a      2:23.93
      8   Lloydminster           c      2:25.98
      9   St Albert B            b      2:28.66
     10   Nanton                 f      2:31.94
     11   Grande Prairie A       a      2:32.73
     12   Hanna                  e      2:33.50
     13   Red Deer B             d      2:34.73
          Innisfail              e           dq
          Ed Keyano B            c        d n s
          Brooks                 f        d n s

Event 97  GIRLS 13 & 14        Region  200 m FR
      1   Vermilion              c      2:11.21
      2   Lethbridge A           f      2:11.77
      3   Red Deer               d      2:11.99
      4   Olds                   e      2:12.24
      5   Wetaskiwin             d      2:12.33
      6   Ed Humhumumuna         c      2:13.55
      7   Lacombe                d      2:14.88
      8   Spruce Grove           b      2:16.87
      9   Hinton                 b      2:17.64
     10   Brooks                 f      2:19.58
     11   Lethbridge B           f      2:20.32
     12   Smoky River            a      2:20.35
     13   Camrose                c      2:21.41
     14   Wainwright             d      2:22.52
     15   Grande Prairie         a      2:23.28
          Peace River            a        d n s

Event 98  BOYS 13 & 14         Region  200 m FR
      1   Lethbridge A           f      1:53.66
      2   Spruce Grove           b      1:57.78
      3   Nanton                 f      1:58.16
      4   Wainwright             d      2:00.87
      5   Vermilion              c      2:05.17
      6   Lethbridge B           f      2:05.25
      7   Hinton                 b      2:06.80
      8   Fairview               a      2:08.93
      9   Stony Plain A          b      2:15.66
     10   Lacombe                d      2:15.93
     11   Drayton Valley A       b      2:17.26
     12   Grande Prairie         a      2:19.44
     13   Didsbury               e      2:21.59
     14   Ft Saskatchewan        c      2:27.92
          Red Deer               c           dq
          Drayton Valley B       b        d n s

Event 99  GIRLS 15 & 16        Region  200 m FR
      1   Nanton                 f      2:06.68
      2   Ft Saskatchewan        c      2:07.24
      3   Provost                d      2:08.17
      4   St Albert              b      2:08.68
      5   Hanna                  e      2:09.27
      6   Innisfail              e      2:19.09
      7   Foremost               f      2:19.74
      8   Drayton Valley         b      2:20.61
      9   Beaverlodge            a      2:24.27
     10   Wainwright             d      2:25.91
     11   Smoky River            a      2:26.04
          Pincher Creek          f           dq

Event 100 BOYS 15 & 16         Region  200 m FR
      1   Stony Plain            b      1:52.07
      2   Wetaskiwin             d      1:52.55
      3   High Prairie           a      1:56.81
      4   Westlock               b      1:57.65
      5   Ft Saskatchewan        c      1:58.58
      6   Lacombe                d      2:03.40
      7   Slave Lake             a      2:18.27

Event 101 SENIOR GIRLS         Region  200 m FR
      1   Ed Humhumumuna         c      l:59.30   
      2   Wetaskiwin             d      2:06.47
      3   Lethbridge             f      2:06.62
      4   Ft Saskatchewan        c      2:11.98
      5   Red Deer               d      2:13.85
      6   Stony Plain            b      2:16.95
      7   Grimshaw               a      2:32.42
      8   Killam                 d      2:42.07
          Crowsnest Pass         f        d n s
          Olds                   e        d n s
          Peace River            a        d n s
          Fairview               a        d n s

Event 102 SENIOR BOYS          Region  200 m FR
      1   Provost                d      l:43.37   
      2   Grande Prairie         a      1:45.90
      3   Grimshaw               a      1:49.11
      4   Camrose                c      1:49.39
      5   Pincher Creek          f      1:51.86
      6   Didsbury               e      1:52.01
      7   Nanton                 f      1:52.83
      8   Red Deer A             d      1:55.63
      9   Crowsnest Pass         f      1:56.13
     10   Calgary Tritons        e      1:57.30
     11   High River             e      1:57.49
     12   Wetaskiwin             d      2:16.05
     13   High Prairie           a      2:24.22
          St Albert              b           dq
          Okotoks                e        d n s
          Brooks                 f        d n s

distance   fly     back  breast   I.M.   M.R.    F.R.    points  region
178.0     371.0    350.0   346.0  302.0  400.0  418.0   778.0   940.0   3905.0   b
233.0     341.0    307.5   376.0  428.0  360.0  425.0   582.0   536.0   3355.5   f
103.0     349.0    370.5   353.0  341.0  308.0  347.0   582.0   554.0   3204.5   c
109.0     295.0    327.5   309.0  261.0  303.0  218.0   586.0   622.0   2921.5   d
210.0     252.0    230.0   241.0  221.5  245.0  167.0   464.0   412.0   2232.5   e
 89.0     228.0    254.5   194.0  239.5  237.0  170.0   462.0   420.0   2205.0   a

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