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Alberta Summer Swimming Association

ASSA Results Database


Meet Results

View individual and relay results, team and individual points, personal bests and team results
for any ASSA meet back to 2001. Enter search phrases separated by blanks (eg 'cal 2010') and then select the
meet from the drop down list.


Club Statistics

View statistics for a club including swimmer best times by event, club bests and
best potential relays based on times from the current year. You can also export club
reports. Enter search phrases separated by blanks (eg 'aqua') and select the club from the drop down list.


Swimmer Name Lookup

View graphs of swimmer times compared to other swimmers or ASSA averages, swimmers
best times or the swimming history of a swimmer. Enter search phrases separated by blanks
(eg 'mary c') and select the swimmer from the drop down list.


Province-Wide Comparisons

Press the ASSA COMPARISONS button to view the ASSA's season bests in all events,
or to see a province-wide ranking of swimmers' bests in an event.



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