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Alberta Summer Swimming Association

Club Statistics

Rimbey Swim Club


Ranking of Club Swimmer Bests in Selected Event

Select from the options below and press the ASSA EVENT RANKINGS button.
to obtain a ranked list of swimmers best swims.

From To Stroke Distance

Age(Min) Age(Max) # results/page:

Girls Boys


Club Bests

Select a year and press the CLUB INDIVIDUAL BESTS or CLUB RELAY BESTS button
to see the best times for all events by the Rimbey Swim Club.


Season Points

Select a year and press SEASON POINTS to view the points calculated for each swimmer
for the season. The points are standardized and based on what would normally be awarded in an eight lane meet.

Girls Boys


Stroke Improvement

Monitor the improvement of your swimmers by stroke.
Click the "Stroke Improvement" button to see how much they have improved over the season.


Swimmer Registration Status

Click SHOW REGISTERED SWIMMERS to see a list off all swimmers registered in your club.


Relay Analysis

Need help to figure out your best relay teams?
Click the "Relay Best Times" button to obtain a list of the best teams.


Club Report

This function will generate an Microsoft Windows (IBM) compatible spreadsheet [comma delimited] that you can download directly to your computer. You can use the Club Season Report file for printing certificates etc. More details are available here:

Computer users should open and edit the spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel or equivalent software supporting comma delimited files.

The downloaded document can be manipulated to prepare formatted report cards or Season Certificates for ASSA swimmers.

Checking the "Swimmer Best Times" checkbox will alter the report that is sent to include only the swimmer's best times in each event they swam. This would usually be a more desirable report when generating a muti-season report.

Checking the "Include all swimmers" checkbox will alter the report that is sent to include every swimmer in the club, rather than just the ones that are currently active and registered.

Year: From To
  Swimmer Best Times?
Include all swimmers?



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