2025 Emerge Camp Cancelled

Madeeha RahmanNews

Swim Alberta will not be moving forward with this year’s 2025 Emerge camp as a result of facility availability and the March-June competition and camp schedule.

Please see below for a high-level summary of major events.
• Winter Provincial Championships – March 20-23
• Canadian Open – April 10-12
• Distance Camp – April 20-22
• Mel Zajac Jr International – May 16-18
• Provincial Series #4 – May 29-June 1
• Swimming Canada Trials – June 7-12

Our goal at Swim Alberta is to enhance swimmer and coach development by providing valuable opportunities. The only facility space that was available for the Emerge Camp was on the same weekend as Swim Alberta’s Provincial Series Swim Meet in Calgary (CSI Meet)
on May 30-June 1. Both these events are targeting the same group of swimmers/coaches, and as such, we do not believe it is in the best interests of our community and the development of our swimmers/coaches to host this year’s Emerge camp.

Instead of the expenses budgeted for the Emerge camp, we have the opportunity to increase the RaceTek Video and Data services provided at Winter Provincial Championships. We can now also offer this service at the Summer Provincial Championships.

Additionally, we will provide some funding for extra Coach mentorship opportunities for 201 trained coaches at the Canadian Open in Edmonton in April 2025. If you are interested, please email jackie@swimalberta.ca

Swim Alberta’s Pathway to 2032 aims to provide valuable opportunities to swimmers and coaches, inspiring the growth of our swimming community to achieve its potential.