Alberta Makes Top 8 in Club and Individuals Swimming Canada Swim-a-Thon Campaign

SwimAlbertaNews, Swim Alberta News

Swimming Canada is pleased to announce three grand prize winners for the 2019 Swim-a-Thon campaign. These grand prize winners are recognized as the top fundraisers from across Canada.

Top Individual Fundraiser

This year’s top individual fundraiser winner, raising a grand total of $5,500 is Rachel Nguyen from the Etobicoke Swim Club.

For her efforts, Rachel’s grand prize includes a $3,500 travel credit to take her family on a trip anywhere they choose. This can be spent on airfares, hotel nights, on one trip or three.

Top Fundraising Club (overall) AND Top Fundraising Club (per registered competitive swimmer)

The top fundraising club overall winner, raising a grand total of $60,605 is the Toronto Swim Club from Ontario.

The top fundraising club per registered competitive swimmer is the CREST Swimming from Ontario. Crest raised $19,865 with 48 swimmer participants out of 50 registered competitive swimmers (96% participation).  The club raised an average of $413.85 per swimmer.

Toronto Swim Club and CREST Swimming will receive a visit from a member of our National Team. These visits will take place in the fall of 2019 and be a great way for the team to celebrate their success.

Top Swim Club Fundraisers by province

  1. Toronto Swim Club $60,605, ON
  2. Vancouver Pacific Swim Club $46,440, BC
  3. Okotoks Mavericks Swimming $15,850, AB
  4. Natation SAMAK $14,275, QC
  5. Halifax Trojan Aquatic Club $14,065, NS
  6. Manitoba Marlins Swim Club $10,895, MB
  7. Saskatoon Goldfin Swimming Club $10,735, SK
  8. Fredericton Aquanauts Swim Team $10,085, NB

Top Individual Fundraisers by Province

  1. Rachel Nguyen $5,500, ON
  2. Dunya Ishola $3,575, BC
  3. Aidan Doucet $2,295, NS
  4. Olivia Cummins $2,265, NB
  5. William Kallianiotis $1,700, QC
  6. Anna Blevins $1,310, AB
  7. Addi Bailey-Ross $1,180, MB
  8. Ana Furmanic $1,065, SK

Original Article by Swimming Canada here.