We Are Ready
In consultation with Member Clubs and based on the success of mitigation strategies, Swim Alberta and its Member Clubs are happy to welcome swimmers back to the pool through the launch of our We Are Ready Campaign.
The Campaign encourages an evidence-based approach to reopening pools, highlights mental health and wellness, and reinforces that facilities are ready to safely welcome back swimmers.
17 March 2021 - Everyone Wins When Everyone Swims
23 February 2021 - Swim Alberta & Member Clubs Ready to welcome back swimmers
The Study
Call To Action
Swim Alberta is committed to safety as a priority for our membership. Swim Alberta has been working in close alliance with Alberta Health and the Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Branch of the Government of Alberta ensuring that we are meeting or exceeding required protocols. We have shared the message of the #WeAreReady campaign at all levels of the provincial government as well as to municipalities, facility operators and various media outlets Alberta wide.
Sharing our campaign with your networks and communities can help broaden our reach and help the swimming communities’ voices be heard.
If you would like to get involved with spreading the #WeAreReady message here are a few things you can do:
- Like and share our posts on social media with your own networks.
- Download our infographics and post them on your social media, make sure to tag us.
- Share our videos and tag us.
- Create your own video and tell us why this campaign is important, share on social media and tag us so we can see it.
- Share with or tag your local government, MLA and news organizations letting them know of the campaign and why it’s important to your community that we return to swimming. The new stories/press releases are available on the Swim Alberta website for easy sharing.
- Use the hashtags #WeAreReady #EveryoneWinsWhenEveryoneSwims #ThePathForward
*Make sure your posts are set to Public on Facebook and Instagram so everyone can see them.
Our social media tags:
Twitter: @SwimAlberta
Facebook: @swim.alberta
Instagram: @swim_alberta
We Are Ready in the Media
25 March 20121 - Global News Edmonton
17 March 2021 - Sherwood Park News
5 March 2021 - Wetaskiwin Times
5 March 2021 - Mayerthorpe Freelancer
5 March 2021 - The Grove Examiner
5 March 2021 - Fort Saskatchewan The Record
5 March 2021 - Leduc Rep
5 March 2021 - Sherwood Park News
3 March 2021 - Airdrie Today
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